Financial Affairs
Academic Affairs
Sexual Misconduct Prevention
Connect with the new Title IX Director in order to rebuild trust between students and the office.
Work to expand Title IX resources for students and to ensure that those resources are used efficiently and effectively.
Reject federal Title IX guidelines that prohibit justice from being served in cases of sexual misconduct by lobbying the UMD Administration and the Maryland state government to ensure all Title IX regulations are in the best interest and safety of students.
Advocate for UMD to be proactive and preventive when it comes to sexual misconduct on and off campus through both policies and educational programs.
Diversity & Inclusion
Get input from minority communities and groups to ensure SGA decisions reflect the values of all students.
Be more proactive when it comes to advocating on behalf of minority students and addressing campus-wide issues.
Push the University Administration to act proactively in order to prevent shameful hate crimes that have no place on our campus.
DACA Advocacy: Continue to advocate with and on behalf of the University’s DACA students to make sure they feel welcomed and have the resources they needed to succeed while at the University.
Health & Wellness
Foster the development of a more comprehensive mental health and wellness plan that streamlines existing resources provided by the University Health Center and Counseling Center.
Mental Health Resource Access: Share available mental health resources directly with students to work to end the stigma.
Mental Health Day Absence Policy: Make mental health days an excused absence for students by encoding it in official student conduct policy.
Advocate for the extension of the University Health Center’s hours for increased access to in-person emergency services on campus.
Governmental Relations & Advocacy
Advocate for greater college affordability and accessibility by fighting for more paid internships, lower textbook costs, and stronger grant and loan programs.
Collaborate with student groups across campus to collectively advocate for student interests at the local, state, and federal level.
Improve communication between the student body and the College Park City Council to establish more significant local representation.
Promote student group collaboration with the surrounding College Park community to encourage activism and advocacy in local and state government.
Civic Engagement
Encourage students to vote in national, state, and local elections by providing relevant information about issues that impact students.
Provide more ways for students to get involved in their communities beyond just voting during election years.
Advocate for the creation of a policy that will provide students with excused absences on Election Day so all students can participate in their civic duties.
Civic Engagement
Encourage students to vote in national, state, and local elections by providing relevant information about issues that impact students.
Provide more ways for students to get involved in their communities beyond just voting during election years.
Advocate for the creation of a policy that will provide students with excused absences on Election Day so all students can participate in their civic duties.
Financial Affairs
Academic Affairs
Sexual Misconduct Prevention
Connect with the new Title IX Director in order to rebuild trust between students and the office.
Work to expand Title IX resources for students and to ensure that those resources are used efficiently and effectively.
Reject federal Title IX guidelines that prohibit justice from being served in cases of sexual misconduct by lobbying the UMD Administration and the Maryland state government to ensure all Title IX regulations are in the best interest and safety of students.
Advocate for UMD to be proactive and preventive when it comes to sexual misconduct on and off campus through both policies and educational programs.
Diversity & Inclusion
Get input from minority communities and groups to ensure SGA decisions reflect the values of all students.
Be more proactive when it comes to advocating on behalf of minority students and addressing campus-wide issues.
Push the University Administration to act proactively in order to prevent shameful hate crimes that have no place on our campus.
DACA Advocacy: Continue to advocate with and on behalf of the University’s DACA students to make sure they feel welcomed and have the resources they needed to succeed while at the University.
Health & Wellness
Foster the development of a more comprehensive mental health and wellness plan that streamlines existing resources provided by the University Health Center and Counseling Center.
Mental Health Resource Access: Share available mental health resources directly with students to work to end the stigma.
Mental Health Day Absence Policy: Make mental health days an excused absence for students by encoding it in official student conduct policy.
Advocate for the extension of the University Health Center’s hours for increased access to in-person emergency services on campus.
Governmental Relations & Advocacy
Civic Engagement
Encourage students to vote in national, state, and local elections by providing relevant information about issues that impact students.
Provide more ways for students to get involved in their communities beyond just voting during election years.
Advocate for the creation of a policy that will provide students with excused absences on Election Day so all students can participate in their civic duties.
Civic Engagement
Encourage students to vote in national, state, and local elections by providing relevant information about issues that impact students.
Provide more ways for students to get involved in their communities beyond just voting during election years.
Advocate for the creation of a policy that will provide students with excused absences on Election Day so all students can participate in their civic duties.
Student Affairs
Student Group Outreach: Strengthen communication and trust between students and the SGA through direct and consistent outreach to the student body and student groups.
Empower student voices in SGA decisions through greater transparency for projects and initiatives by creating ways for students to check on the progress of these actions.
Campus Accessibility: Make UMD’s campus more accessible for those with disabilities by improving campus facilities and walkways. Create more awareness surrounding disability issues by creating a Campus Accessibility Walk to identify issues and create solutions.
Increase food accessibility and reduce food insecurity by working with Dining Services to be more accommodating to students.
Financial Affairs
Reform Student Group Funding Process by streamlining the application process and reforming the ways funding has been done in the past to better serve student groups.
Make it easier for student groups to understand the funding process by creating a more expansive Student Group Funding Resources Guide to guide them through process.
Student Fee Transparency: Inform students about the fees they pay each semester and advocate for a fee system that better represents student interests in regard to diversity and inclusion, mental health resources, and access to the Title IX office.
Academic Affairs
Class Requirements: Modify general education requirements to incorporate more inclusive coursework.
Relevant Coursework: Advocate for classes to teach real-world skills including, but not limited to comprehensive computer applications, coding for statistical research, and financial literacy.
Minority Student Enrollment: Advocate for Administrative action that would increase minority student enrollment to diversify our campus community.
First Generation Student Support: Support first-generation college students by providing them with valuable resources and on-campus connections.
Sexual Misconduct Prevention
Connect with the new Title IX Director in order to rebuild trust between students and the office.
Work to expand Title IX resources for students and to ensure that those resources are used efficiently and effectively.
Reject federal Title IX guidelines that prohibit justice from being served in cases of sexual misconduct by lobbying the UMD Administration and the Maryland state government to ensure all Title IX regulations are in the best interest and safety of students.
Advocate for UMD to be proactive and preventive when it comes to sexual misconduct on and off campus through both policies and educational programs.
Diversity & Inclusion
Get input from minority communities and groups to ensure SGA decisions reflect the values of all students.
Be more proactive when it comes to advocating on behalf of minority students and addressing campus-wide issues.
Push the University Administration to act proactively in order to prevent shameful hate crimes that have no place on our campus.
DACA Advocacy: Continue to advocate with and on behalf of the University’s DACA students to make sure they feel welcomed and have the resources they needed to succeed while at the University.
Health & Wellness
Foster the development of a more comprehensive mental health and wellness plan that streamlines existing resources provided by the University Health Center and Counseling Center.
Mental Health Resource Access: Share available mental health resources directly with students to work to end the stigma.
Mental Health Day Absence Policy: Make mental health days an excused absence for students by encoding it in official student conduct policy.
Advocate for the extension of the University Health Center’s hours for increased access to in-person emergency services on campus.
Governmental Relations & Advocacy
Advocate for greater college affordability and accessibility by fighting for more paid internships, lower textbook costs, and stronger grant and loan programs.
Collaborate with student groups across campus to collectively advocate for student interests at the local, state, and federal level.
Improve communication between the student body and the College Park City Council to establish more significant local representation.
Promote student group collaboration with the surrounding College Park community to encourage activism and advocacy in local and state government.
Civic Engagement
Encourage students to vote in national, state, and local elections by providing relevant information about issues that impact students.
Provide more ways for students to get involved in their communities beyond just voting during election years.
Advocate for the creation of a policy that will provide students with excused absences on Election Day so all students can participate in their civic duties.
City Affairs
Advocate for the city of College Park to review regulations and oversight of landlord-tenant relationships and prevent landlords from being able to take advantage of students.
Increase off-campus student involvement in the city affairs processes by providing them with informational resources about new laws that would impact them and help them share their input.
Push for the University to invest more time and resources in off-campus student issues by creating a specific department that focuses on providing resources to help students with a wide variety of off-campus student issues.
Student Groups
Increase student group input on SGA decisions regarding policies, initiatives, and events by maintaining direct and consistent outreach to students about SGA’s actions.
Connect student groups who have similar goals and interests by helping facilitate partnerships and coalitions.
Elevate student group concerns with the University Administration to ensure their voices and concerns are being heard.
Promote other student groups’ events throughout the year in order to make students more aware about University events by creating a calendar of general body meetings and major events to be circulated within SGA, to student groups, and to the student body.
Provide informational resources to student groups on how to effectively and safely plan and host on-campus events.
Reduce the burden of hidden insurance fees for groups that invite speakers to their events
Carbon Neutrality: Push for the University Administration to commit to reaching total carbon neutrality by 2025, and to make this goal a priority.
Athletics Recycling Policies: Encourage University Athletic Department to require recycling and composting at all games and events.
Advocate for the transition to electric-powered University buses and fleet vehicles.
Ensure that University vendors are sustainable and contribute towards University sustainability goals